Vipul Kella, M.D. MBA
2 min readJun 9, 2023

Expert Witness Case Review: Compartment Syndrome


A 17-year-old was injured while playing indoor soccer. He presented to the ER with a broken left and underwent surgery the same night. He began complaining of pain, numbness, and burning to the leg after discharge but was discharged home. Six days later he returned to the hospital with worsening symptoms including extreme pain, and tenderness to the leg, and was diagnosed with acute compartment syndrome. The plaintiffs suffered a complicated course due to the delay in diagnosis, required twelve additional surgeries, and were left with permanent disabilities.

Vipul Kella, M.D. MBA

Vipul Kella is a physician, healthcare consultant, and entrepreneur. His interests are in innovations that improve outcomes and lower the cost of healthcare.